

Learn PyTorch for deep learning in a day. Literally.

My favorite part about this course is how he subtly keeps reenforcing the fact that you need to be willing to look things up yourself to get good at coding.

Sparks of AGI - Bombshell GPT-4 Paper: Fully Read with 15 Revelations

Insane highlights include the monumental ability to use tools effectively – this is an emergent capability not found in ChatGPT. From using external APIs to being a true personal assistant, to Fermi answerer and Mathlete and a handyman. This paper may well change your thoughts on the state of AGI.

How to Build a Clean Architecture GraphQL App With Kotlin

Philipp Lackner is a great Kotlin developer that shares tutorials on Android Development, this video was helpful, especially while taking Mobile Development course at OSU, some of the stuff I learned from this video helped me to build my own weather app with clean GraphQL architecture.

Giving Personality to Procedural Animations using Math

Great stuff! I'm really not literate enough to understand the math in the video, but his way of explaining these things made it really easy to see the effect and value of the physics in the game dev. The results are seriously impressive, and his game is looking fantastic.

How not to be a mediocre developer!

Insightful article by @dushyantsabharwal that emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, honesty about one's skills, contribution to open source projects, willingness to help others, and engagement in personal projects and coding challenges to improve as a developer.

Web Architecture 101

Illuminating piece by Jonathan Fulton that navigates through fundamental concepts crucial for understanding web application architecture, through clear explanations and real-world examples.

What I Learned from Doing 60+ Technical Interviews in 30 Days

Offers invaluable insights into navigating the intricacies of technical interviews, emphasizing the importance of quality applications, clear communication, problem-solving prowess, and resilience in the face of failure.

10 Articles Every Programmer Must Read

Compilation of '10 Articles Every Programmer Must Read' offers an invaluable resource for programmers at all levels, covering essential topics such as memory management, floating-point arithmetic, Unicode, time handling, URL encoding, etc.

The Pragmatic Programmer

"The Pragmatic Programmer" is a seminal guide for software developers, offering practical advice, timeless principles, and valuable insights to help programmers enhance their skills, improve productivity, and excel in their craft.

The Unicorn Project

A compelling narrative that explores the principles of DevOps through the experiences of a software developer tasked with reviving a failing project within a large corporation.

Working effectively with Legacy Code

Michael Feathers offers invaluable insights and actionable techniques for software developers to navigate and improve legacy codebases, enabling them to enhance maintainability, testability, and overall code quality.

Software Craftsman, The: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride

This book delves into the ethos of software craftsmanship, urging developers to embrace professionalism, adopt pragmatic approaches, and take pride in their work to elevate the quality and value of software development projects.